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E Colden Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90003, United States
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Washington Square, New York, NY 10012, United States
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Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions and we've got answers! If you still can't find what you're looking for, just contact us.

Contact us

Is there a contract?

Short answer, kinda. All we ask is you get to 50 demos booking through the system. If you get past that and it isn't for you. Feel free to tell us to hit the road.

What is actually involved in setup?

It depends on your implementation. Typically, you will want to create accounts for all team members that will be using the platform, upload your contact database, create your routing rules, automation logic, and have a quick training session on how to get the most out of the platform.

Can you handle my weird routing rules?

We sure can! If you need to route leads based off a random assortment of field values, choose between routing models, or create custom weightages, we got you covered.

Do you charge for admin seats?

Nope! All admin seats are free of charge, but are limited to only joining meetings not hosting them.

Does Ripcord work on mobile?

Yes - the Ripcord platform is cloud-based, and can be rendered on any device with a browser and internet connection.

Do I need any other software to make this work?

You really don't! Ripcord is a comprehensive revenue operations platform designed to manage all aspects of your lead to win funnel. It is a marketing automation system, Smart CRM, auto-dialer, lead router, demo scheduler, and AI-recorder and transcriber, all wrapped into one platform. Truthfully - with Ripcord, you could replace multiple disjointed tools from your tech stack; such as Hubspot, Chiliper, SF, Dialpad, and Outreach.

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